Skilpadde Labs Apps
A workspace for creating node-based algorithmic compositions on the iPad.

Custom C++ audio synthesis engine.
Synths, Filters, Delays, Pattern Generators.
Many custom controls drawn with CoreGraphics and PaintCode.

Formant synth.
Updated Dingsaller synthesis engine.
Many custom controls drawn with CoreGraphics and PaintCode.
WFMU On Demand
Live streaming radio app for the Apple TV.

Parses the station xml feeds.
Plays live streams and archived shows.
Shows station news.
Uses Swift, NSXMLParser, and NSURLSession.
West Bend Sheepshead
The classic two-to-five player card game.
Illustrations by Charles George

Game Center
Contract Work
Created a library to add timecode to a commercial teleprompter app.
Enumerated and connected to available audio devices.
Notified the app if the audio device changed.
Created Objective-C classes to read SMPTE Time Code from an audio input and send delegate messages to the main app.
Integrated the open source C++ library libltc to decode the SMPTE stream.
Gracefully handled the occasional dropped SMPTE frame.